Powerful SEX addict ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha involved in massive BANKING FRAUD, to get their SEX SERVICE provider naina chandan, and her sons,karan, nikhil, monthly government salaries

Every month young panaji gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, the sons of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh and their mother are getting a monthly government salary for a BANKING FRAUD, falsely claiming to own the house and bank account of a single woman engineer, who was the 1989 goa jee topper

Yet it is an indication of the complete lack of humanity and honesty in the indian internet sector , specifically google, tata, ntro that no one is asking the lazy greedy gujju frauds nikhil, karan for proof of bank account ownership for the last 5 years, why is everyone believing in their lies , so that they get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the single woman engineer who is broke. They are helped in the banking fraud by the SEX addict ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha who are abusing their powers to dupe people, companies and countries with their banking fraud

Just because their BRIBE PAYING balding bespectacled father and SEX addict ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha are making and circulating photoshopped photos, videos of the harmless single woman engineer to defame the hardworking engineer and then falsely claiming that their SEX service provider naina chandan, and her sons, getting cbi salary, own the bank account of a private citizen,

why is everyone blindly believing in the lies of ruthless gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil,and their sex service provider mother cbi employee naina chandan, about bank account ownership, why is no one asking them for any kind of proof.

PHOTOSHOPPED videos of harmless woman engineer made by sex addict ntro employees are like cartoon movies

The google, tata sponsored kolhapur born gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh is the best paid SEX SERVICE PROVIDER in India with the indian government paying a monthly cbi salary to gujju school dropout housewife naina chandan, her sons nikhil,karan for the SEX services the panaji school dropout housewife offers to some of the most powerful government employees in india like parmar, nikhil sha, parekh

Additionally the indian and state government is also wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money,duping people, companies and countries that the gujju school dropout housewife naina chandan, illegally married at the age of 16 to get sex practice is an experienced engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree, when no engineering college would admit the eighth standard pass sex service provider cbi employee naina chandan

NTRO, raw, cbi, security agencies are also wasting indian taxpayer money to falsely claim that nikhil,karan, the lazy greedy shameless fraud sons of the top panaji gujju sex service provider naina chandan like riddhi caro nayak, sunaina, siddhi,veena, who are not doing any computer work, who are not investing any money online, are online experts, domain investors owning this and other domains, owning the domains, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer who the lovers of gujju sex service provider naina chandan

The powerful ntro employees can pay their favorite sex service provider naina chandan for her sex services from their monthly salary, instead they are wasting more crores of indian tax payer money to make PHOTOSHOPPED videos of a harmless single woman engineer whose identity they have stolen to get their SEX SERVICE provider naina chandan, a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer.

The PHOTOSHOPPED videos of woman engineer using footage when she is in public places made by sex addict ntro employees are like cartoon movies, they can show whatever they want, it is a reflection of the lack of honesty and humanity of goan and indian society that people are wasting their time watching the photoshopped videos of a private citizen made by the sex addict gujju fraud liar ntro employees, and believing in them. India has millions of citizens, women why is taxpayer money wasted to make videos of the woman alone.

The domains of the engineer are listed for sale, the cost of making and circulating photoshopped videos will be far more than the price of the domains, yet no one questions the sex addict ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha, why they are not legally purchasing the domains of the engineer, why they are wasting taxpayer money to defame, cheat and exploit a harmless single woman engineer for more than 9 years.

LIAR top gujju SEX ADDICT NTRO employees continue with their BANKING FRAUD to get cbi salary for their favorite SEX SERVICE PROVIDER

The multiple cases of TRADE SECRET THEFT against TCS in the United States along with the $420 million fine on TCS in the Epic systems case, highlights the endless frauds and lies in the indian internet and tech sectors which will make the nigerian 419 fraudsters look like saints. The sex addict top gujju NTRO employees continue with their banking fraud on the domain investor for another month.,

Can NTRO employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha justify the BANKING FRAUD of cbi employee naina chandan, the school dropout who they have SEX with
For more than 9 years the powerful ntro employees NTRO employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha criminally defamed the domain investor without any proof at all, falsely claiming that they are extremely honest, patriotic and role model citizens

yet it can be legally proved that the the powerful ntro employees NTRO employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha are involved in a massive BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD, falsely claiming the kolhapur born gujju housewife naina chandan, a school dropout whose sex services they are addicted to, owns the bank account of a single woman engineer, all these gujju fraudster ntro employes HATE to get their sex service provider naina and her sons, cbi jobs at the expense of the engineer.

The ntro employees like parmar are aware of the fact that the school dropout naina chandan they are having SEX with, is not doing any computer work at all like her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, yet in a brazen case of abuse of power, the NTRO employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha continue with their BANKING FRAUD so that the Indian TAXPAYER pays naina and her sons a monthly cbi salary for the regular sex she has with ntro employees.

It can be legally proved that the gujju fraudster ntro employees have never interacted with the engineer anytime in her life and are unlikely to do so, yet they are allowed to get with their BANKING FRAUD with no official or internet company in India questioning their brazen FINANCIAL ONLINE fraud, showing the complete lack of humanity and honesty in the indian internet sector

Any help to end the BANKING fraud of the top gujju NTRO employees and the cbi employee whose sex services they enjoy will be greatly appreciated

ADDICTED to TRADE SECRET ROBBERY ntro employees falsely claim that the trade secrets belong to google, tata sponsored PROSTITUTE, ROBBER, cheater raw/cbi employees

One of the reasons why very few people want to start a business in India, more people are unemployed, is because NTRO is openly ROBBING TRADE SECRETS of small business owners without any legally valid reason to steal their identity and cause great business losses to them using brain wave technology since 2010. The business owner is forced to work like a slave by the LIAR ROBBER NTRO employees ROBBING their CORRESPONDENCE, MEMORY AND IDENTITY

In the united states, businesses are allowed to protect their trade secrets, and TCS was asked to pay a fine of $420 million to Epic systems for TRADE SECRET THEFT, while in india, the government agencies openly rob trade secret of small business owners without a legally valid reason, after criminally defaming the small business owner without any proof at all. The victim of ntro ROBBERY also finds it difficult to get any kind of legal help in India

the TRADE SECRET ROBBER ntro employees are aware of the fact that their lazy greedy girlfriends like riddhi caro nayak, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, veena, deepika, ruchika king, naina chandan, are not spending any money on domains, are not spend any time at all doing computer work, do not have any online income since they are lazy, lack the skills required

Yet in a clear example of the CRUELTY, DISHONESTY AND LACK OF HUMANITY of the TRADE SECRET ROBBER ntro employees , these animal like men led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, vijay are ruthlessly defaming the harmless engineer whose TRADE SECRETS, MEMORY, CORRESPONDENCE they are ROBBING for 9 years without a legally valid reason , refusing to admit that it is her memory that they are ROBBING

These LIAR FRAUD ntro employees are falsely claiming that the ROBBED TRADE SECRETS belong to the google, tata sponsored PROSTITUTE, ROBBER, cheater raw/cbi employees when they are aware that these lazy greedy frauds have no way to get the trade secrets other than COPY PASTED ROBBED MEMORY of a private citizen since the raw/cbi employees are not investing any money online and are also not spending any time online or or on the computer, not providing any services to customers outside india

NTRO employees are so ADDICTED TO MEMORY ROBBERY, they refuse to check credit card bills, bank details which have accurate information

Led by the mhow monster puneet, the robber NTRO employees are so addicted to ROBBING the memory of the domain investor, that they refuse to consult the credit card and bank details which are easily available to them if they have any doubt.

Memory reading is very inconvenient for the domain investor, it causes insomnia and she also does not remember all the credit card transactions, yet the MEMORY ROBBER ntro employees are so addicted to memory reading that they refuse to check the credit card details which are far more comprehensive. Indian citizens are allowed to spend up to $25000 in foreign currency annually.

The victim of NTRO memory robbery, is a private citizen, and every time the ntro employees ILLEGALLY ROB HER MEMORY they are committing human rights abuses like the nazi atrocities on the jews. It is a clear case of discrimination, since the government dos not rob the memory of ther citizens, only the DOMAIN INVESTOR is targetted for memory robbery without a legally valid reason.

The lack of humanity and honesty in the indian internet sector, is exposed when no one is asking the NTRO employees why they are not checking the credit card details which are easily available to them instead of ROBBING MEMORY of a private citizen.

Sex addict gujju officials parekh, nikhil sha, parmar make another photoshopped video of domain investor, engineer whose identity they have stolen

The indian government is wasting crores of indian taxpayer money in sexually harassing harmless single woman engineers due to abuse of power by ntro employees like parmar

Though it can be medically proved that panaji, goa’s TOP GUJJU SEX service provider Gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh married illegally at the age 16 to get SEX practice and become the greatest SEX service provider in india, the extremely corrupt indian and goan government along with the fraud ntro employees mhow cheater puneet, parmar, parekh, falsely claim that the gujju sex queen, married at 16, studied till eight standard, has a btech 1993 ee degree.

The fraud liar ntro employees led by parekh do not want to pay naina chandan for her sex services they enjoy regularly from the ntro salary, so they are making defamatory photoshopped videos of the single woman engineer with a btech 1993 degree when she is in public places, circulating them wasting tax payer money,so that the indian taxpayer continues to pay naina chandan and her sons karan, nikhil, a monthly salary for her sex services.

On 3 May 2019, the sex addict lovers nikhil sha, parekh, parekh again had their microchipped associates suddenly come close in the way of the domain investor, when she was moving out of a building . The domain investor stopped some distance away, yet there is no way for her to find out what photoshopping the sex addict lovers of naina chandan have done , to again criminally defame the engineer who identity the gujju sex queen falsely claims to have.

It appears that gujju sex queen naina chandan, her lovers circulated the photoshopped photo, video extensively, because later in the evening the sex queen left for some unknown place dressed in a new full sleeved yellow and black dress in her blue wagonr car 8989, since the powerful fraud ntro employees enjoying her sex services are duping people, companies and countries that the school dropout is an experienced engineer. It appears that her lovers also ensured that the candidates for the panaji election did not meet the domain investor, though she was in the house.

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Goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, a cbi employee addicted to ROBBING CORRESPONDENCE, identity of a single woman engineer


The goan government claims that it wishes to attract investment to the state, yet it refuses to take action against their ROBBER employees like the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, who has been robbing the correspondence of the domain investor for more than 7 years without a legally valid reason

The cunning fraud mhow cheater puneet defamed the domain investor in the worst possible manner for more than 8 years since 2010, making completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof, refused to provide any kind of information to the domain investor, so that he could cheat and exploit the domain investor to the maximum extent possible and ROB her correspondence.

In 2019, it is clear that the mhow cheater puneet hates the domain investor, all his allegations were FAKE , yet he and his fraud associates like google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak continue to ROB the domain investor without a legally valid reason , deny the domain investor her fundamental right to equality, the right to receive her correspondence which all indian citizens have

India has a population of 1. 3 billion, many domain investors, yet raw/cbi employees do not steal the correspondence of all people, and the domain investor., Yet in a massive fraud of the indian and state government, the faking help, fraud security and intelligence agency employees are ROBBING CORRESPONDENCE of the domain investor without a legally valid reason since 2010, causing great losses

The cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak makes it difficult to lead a normal life, the domain investor had hired the services of a detective, who sent a SIM card to the domain investor for getting information, however panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi robbed the sim card sent by courier, and all the money paid to the detective was wasted,

Any way to end the ROBBERY of goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, who is addicted to robbing the correspondence of the domain investor will be appreciated

Gujju sex addict ntro employees nikhil,parekh, parmar, are worse than drug addicts, who will commit any crime for their regular fix of sex

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It can be legally proved that the shameless young don bosco commerce alumni online gujju banking fraudster karan, son of cbi sex service provider naina is a pathological LIAR making completely fake claims that he and his fraud family owns the bank account which he has not opened and cannot legally operate

Please note that the sundar pichai led google, tata are involved in a massive paypal fraud in panajj, goa falsely promoting Shameless liar greedy gujju mother son fraudster duo cbi employee school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh and her her LAZY LIAR FRAUD son karan, a donbosco commerce alumni who are not doing any work online at all, do not have any online investment, yet are shamelessly and falsely making fake claims that they own the bank, paypal and iwriter account of a single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer

The bank details will legally prove that the gujju shameless liar fraud mother son of naina-karan have not opened the bank, paypal, iwriter account at all, the screenshot of the account at decloak.org proves their fraud . yet the goan and indian government is blindly believing in their lies to waste indian taxpayer money paying the gujju fraudster duo a monthly government salary wasting indian taxpayer money

Why does the goan and indian government not officially admit that top ntro employees like nikhil, parmar, parekh are addicted to sex with microchipped naina and just like drug addicts who will do everything possible to get their regular fix of drugs, the panaji sex addicts parekh,parmar, nikhil will do anything to get their regular fix of sex with naina, including real estate, banking fraud, making fake claims about computer work by naina, and her fraud sons , circulating photoshopped photos and videos of the real paypal account holder. They are also making completely fake black money allegations without any proof at all for more than 9 years

Can the indian and goan government explain why the intelligence and security agencies are believing the complete lies greedy gujju fraudster mother son fraudster duo cbi employee school dropout naina karan who are openly involved in a massive banking fraud

Sex addicted gujju ntro employees nikhil, parmar, parekh again circulating photoshopped photos, videos of engineer, to enjoy free sex with naina

The gujju community in goa is small, yet they are the most shameless ruthless greedy fraudsters and liars who are openly involved in a massive real estate, banking and online fraud on a harmless hardworking single woman engineer whose identity they have stolen to get the school dropout gujju sex service provider housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh a cbi job

they are trying to cover up their fraud by circulating defamatory photoshopped photos and videos of the single woman engineer when she is in public places. When she is panaji, the sex addicted liar fraud gujju officials, led by parekh, parmar, patel, nikhil are intentionally sending their male microchipped associates to stand very close to her so that they can prepare photoshopped defamatory photos of the engineer to ruin her reputation.

Instead of having the humanity and honesty to admit their fraud on the engineer, the sex addicted gujju officials are shameless and ruthless in defaming the engineer, making and circulating photoshopped photos and videos of the engineer when she is in public places. The engineer is willing to offer a reward to anyone who can provide the photoshopped photos, videos which are being circulated by the gujju and other fraudsters to defame her, so that she can initiate legal action against those who are circulating these photos and videos
Please contact on skype : nkinf@hotmail.com
reward of Rs 400 will be offered for any photoshopped defamatory photo, video of these gujju or other officials of February 25, 2019