Employees who work hard are rewarded with salaries, promotions, hardworking small business owners are defamed as addicted having health problems

A major problem in the indian internet sector, are the double standards of the ntro employees led by j srinivasan, parmar,puneet who are extremely vicious in defaming hardworking small business owners, paypal account holders.

Many employees working in small and large companies are working for far longer hours than the domain investor, engineer and paypal account holder, yet the employees are rewarded with salaries, promotions and are praised for their work ethic.
On the other hand, hardworking small business owners, paypal account holders in India, are viciously defamed by the liar ntro employees as being addicted to working, internet , having health problems, to defame, cheat and exploit them

The fraud liar ntro employees use their fake defamatory addiction allegations to put the paypal account holder under surveillance, and falsely give their lazy greedy girlfriends and sons like naina, nikhil, karan, who do no work online at all credit and salaries at the expense of the real paypal account holder.

More young people are getting addicted to smoking, despite anti smoking laws

Smoking is a dangerous addiction because for other addictions like alcohol, drug addiction, the addict is mainly damaging his own health, however chainsmokers like the husband of google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina are causing health problems to everyone due to the air pollution which they are causing
Additionally some people experience nausea when they smell cigarette smoke
It is legally proved that smoking is dangerous for health, and there are strict anti smoking laws, however people like the husband of google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina continue to smoke up to 4-5 cigarettes in a day. He also drives a scooter smoking a cigarette

It appears that more young people, especially young women are getting addicted to smoking, and some young women are spotted near a lake in panaji, goa, smoking a cigarette, in the company of their friends, due to the glamor associated.

Chainsmoking husband of school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina causing air pollution

The chainsmoking fraud balding bespectacled husband of school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, is quick to complain against the domain investor for keeping some plants in her house, however he is directly responsible for a lot of air pollution, since he is a chainsmoker, who smokes multiple cigarettes, daily.

Smoking cigarettes is bad for health, yet some people like naina’s husband are so addicted to smoking, that they are smoking several cigarettes daily, causing inconvenience and damaging the health of people in the area where they are living.

For other addictions like alcohol, drug addiction, the addict is mainly damaging his own health, however chainsmokers like the husband of google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina are causing health problems to everyone due to the air pollution which they are causing

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“James Bond of India” , Nper and cocaine junky

Many of the problems faced by the domain investor are because powerful intelligence and security agency employees are putting her under surveillance, shamelessly and falsely claiming that they are associated with the domain investor, she is a proxy for them, though she can legally prove that she has no connection at all with any intelligence and security agency employee

About 4 years ago, the domain investor was complaining about the harassment she was facing, and then a forum member Nper falsely thought that a intelligence employee “James Bond of India” was posting on the forum, and started attacking the domain investor using extremely choice language.

The domain investor, is a engineer, who leads a very conservative life, not even touching alcohol anytime in her life, so she was very surprised at the allegations made against her, by the forum member on namepros,Nper , quoted verbatim

cj= cocaine junkie… I’m better off without it.

You want me to offer you more than $10 for a domain that is expired and I still have to pay $10 renewal on? So let’s say that $20 would’ve been my total which is generous for a 2007 random letter domain. Waiting until “cocaine junkie” from za makes an offer? Could be a long time before he can even afford a reg-fee domain. 😉

For $20, you’d be better off with a gram of awesome quality weed. Get high for three days. No cocaine.
For $250, you could easily get 12/13 grams of the same awesome quality weed.

However this confirmed that someone powerful was misusing the name of the domain investor, engineer, though he had not contacted her anytime in her life.

NTRO closely monitoring the laptop of those who they defame as being internet addicted

The NTRO employees led by j srinivasan are ruthless in framing those who they falsely defame as being addicted to the internet. They are closely monitoring the laptop and have also hacked the laptop.

Usually for most computers and laptops, the clock will be running, even if the computer is shut down. However the ntro employees are hacking the clock of the micromax laptop, and when it is shut down, the time does not change.

This happens intermittently, indicating that the ntro employees are hacking and controlling the clock of the micromax l1161 laptop of a private citizen. Immediately after the laptop is restarted and connected to the internet, it is showing the correct time, indicate that the internet connection is hacked

Fake domain addiction allegations against citizens to deny them fundamental rights

Another addiction racket since 2010, allegedly bribed by google, tata, ntro is involved in a major fake domain addiction racket to steal the identities of harmless engineers and get their relatives and friends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

Just because a person is making some money received through Paypal and has invested some money in domains, because they are getting good returns on their investment, they are falsely claiming that the person is addicted to registering domain names, to defame, torture the person, steal the identity of the person and get their relatives and friends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

Many domain investors worldwide, are spending far money online on domains, have more domains, for business purposes, yet only when small business owners, private citizens in India who have invested a large amount of money online, are investing money online, they are falsely accusing the person of being addicted to the domain names, to deny the person the income and opportunities he or she deserved

In reality many people invest in something they are more familiar with for business purpose only when domain investors are spending some money online, usually less than other domain investors worldwide, they falsely accused of being addicted, and are denied their fundamental rights.

An additional fraud of ntro employees is how they are falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domain names of a private citizen, who they have defamed as being addicted to domain names.

If the domains are not making enough money, why will the domain investor invest more money,it is just one way to diversify the investments, many of the domain names are expiring since they do not make enough to cover expenses.

Google, tata had perfected the art of exploiting the sex addiction of top government employees

Large companies in the It and internet sector like Google, tata had perfected the art of exploiting the sex addiction of top government employees. They are aware of the fact that powerful officials who are addicted to the sex services of google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina, siddhi are willing to break all rules to keep the call girls happy, make them rich and powerful

So Google has devised a very effective way of destroying the life of female competitors, supply powerful officials with good looking call girls, ask them to falsely label the competitor as a security threat without any proof at all, and then dupe people, company and countries that the call girls have the impressive resume, skills, work ethic, investment of the google competitor.

It is killing two birds with a single stone, the reputation of the google competitor is destroyed, and google, tata control some of the most powerful government employees in India by supplying them with call girl R&AW employees,

NTRO involved in a fake internet addiction racket to steal identities of engineers to get bribes

Since 2010, allegedly bribed by google, tata, ntro is involved in a major fake internet addiction racket to steal the identities of harmless engineers and get their relatives and friends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

Just because a person is making some money received through Paypal, they are falsely claiming that the person is addicted to the internet, to defame, torture the person, steal the identity of the person and get their relatives and friends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

Many employees of companies who are working in the internet sector, including the ntro employees are spending far more time online, for business purposes, yet only when small business owners, private citizens who have invested a large amount of money online, are spending some time online, they are falsely accusing the person of being addicted to the internet, to deny the person the income and opportunities he or she deserved

In reality many people spend 3-5 hours daily online for business purpose only when domain investors are spending some time online, usually less than 3 hours, they falsely accused of being addicted, and are denied their fundamental rights.