For goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan SEX addicted NTRO employees violating computer misuse act

In most countries, accessing the computer of another person without authorization is illegal.
However instead of being honest that R&AW is paying a salary to google, tata supplied lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university only for sex and other frauds like indore document robber housewife veena for robbery and bribery, NTRO, R&AW are acting like section 420 frauds falsely claiming that their lazy liar call girl, fraud employees are online experts, domain investors. These powerful liar google, tata, ntro employees are also duping people, companies and countries that the sex worker is working on the computer, when actually she is enjoying herself

In reality with the help of fraud google, tata employees the sex addicted bribe taking fraud raw/cbi/ntro employees are putting the real domain investor, a google competitor and private citizen under surveillance, and falsely claiming that their favorite sex service provider, goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan who is not doing any work on the computer, owns the Micromax laptop and is doing work on it to justify the great and monthly salary the goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan is getting at the expense of the legal owner of the laptop

To ensure that the google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket is not exposed, Wireshark is unable to detect any interface and monitor the data packets, leaving and entering the Micromax laptop. So in a clear case of abuse of power, sex addicted top ntro employees are duping people, companies and countries that their favorite sex service provider R&AW employee sunaina and other fraud raw/cbi employees who have not spent any money on the Micromax laptop , are owning the laptop of a google competitor, engineer, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary

Sex addicted security, ntro employees brutally attack harmless engineer while watering plants in her home in panaji, goa

Powerful sex addicted ntro and other government employees are a public danger because they are ruthless in abusing their powers and torturing any harmless indian citizen, who will expose their sex addiction and sex service provider. In panaji, goa, top ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet are addicted to the sex services of google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, and have promised her the house of the domain investor, engineer, their engineering classmate since 2010.

After repeating their lies for more than 8 years, the sex addict ntro employees have started believing their lies that their favorite call girl whose sex services they enjoy is owning the house of the domain investor. So when the engineer is watering the plants on the terrace, these sex addicted ntro employees are attacking the engineer with radiation weapons causing great pain due to the microwave burns which are caused.

Usually the domain investor is visiting in the evening, and the radiation levels are lower. However on 14 december 2018, the engineer visited in the afternoon at around 1 pm, and the officials have increased radiation to very high levels, the pain was very intense and continued for at least one hour, though she was exposed to radiation for 15 minutes . It shows how ruthless sex addicted officials are, to ensure that sex deal is not exposed, wasting taxpayer money attacking a harmless private citizen only for watering plants in her legally purchased home.

How fraud companies like google, tata advantage of SEX ADDICT top security agency employees to get GOAN PROSTITUTES offering sex services declared exporters

In most parts of india, companies who supply call girls to sex addicted government employees are paying the fees from their own expenses and the state, central government only claims that these call girls are SEX experts
However in goa, google,. tata who are running india’s largest and most powerful call girl agency, catering to top indian government employees , have managed to get the most powerful government employees addicted to the sex services of the call girls who they supply
So google,. tata have managed to get top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees so sex addicted to the goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, that the most powerful officials in India are willing to shamelessly lie and make fake claims about the google, tata supplied call girls

It can be legally proved that the google, tata supplied goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, have never made a single penny from exports in their life, they do not have a paypal account, yet the sex addicted top officials are shameless liars and frauds, so they are falsely claiming that the call girls whose sex services they are addicted to, are online experts , domain investors, owning this and other domains where the news of the sex addiction, sex racket is posted to get the sex workers R&AW/cbi jobs and paypal account holders, owning the paypal, bank account of a google competitor, single woman engineer, private citizen

If the top government employees were not sex addicted they would not shameless LIE and falsely claim that call girls only offering sex services are online experts, domain investors defaming, cheating and exploiting the legal real domain investor and paypal account holder.

Young people are addicted to drinking alcohol

The fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet are putting the harmless domain investor under surveillane falsely claiming that they are worried about her health, when actually many more young people are addicted to drinking alcohol
They are drinking the alcohol openly, at the lakeside in campal, panaji, goa
It is a far more serious problem, since drinking causes accidents, and also damages the liver
The ntro employees should admit that they are putting the harmless domain investor under surveillance only to sexually harass her, misuse her name, they are not bothered about her health at all.
If they cared about health, they would monitor young people addicted to drinking alcohol

“Of Aakash and Aarti” a book on drug addiction, and sex addiction

The new book “Of Aakash and Aarti” by Dr Govind Sharma is interesting because unlike most other books available, it shows that there is strong similarity in the behavior of those who are addicted to sex, and drugs, yet the mainstream media refuses to cover news of the sex addiction of powerful men, how the women get great powers after seducing or having extra marital affairs with these women

While drug addicts like Aakash face social censure and are often imprisoned, powerful and wealthy men like Basant Somani who are addicted to sex with beautiful young women like Aarti, do not face any censure, except from their wives, though their behaviour is very similar to drug addicts. Just like Aakash is willing to do anything to get his next drug dose, Basant Somani is willing to do anything to sleep with Aarti.

The indian and state governments do not realize the severity of the sex addiction of powerful ntro, R&AW, cbi employees and blindly believe in their complete lies that google, tata sponsored goan call girls like bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, school dropouts gujju housewife naina , cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees having extra marital affairs, with these government employees, who do not spend any time and money online, are doing the work, owning this and other websites to get them salaries where the news of the fraud, lies are posted at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke.

SEX addicted NTRO, security agency employees involved in a massive SBI credit card fraud in panaji, goa

Only the person who has applied for a credit card, owns it and is paying the bills is legally considered the credit card holder.

However bribed by google, tata, the SEX addicted top NTRO, security agency employees are involved in a massive SBI credit card fraud in panaji, goa falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied slim goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, who offers sex services or is related to these officials, indore document robber housewife veena and has not applied for any credit card, owns the credit card of a single woman engineer, private citizen, domain investor and google competitor

The google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket on the hardworking engineer started in 2010, with top ntro, security agency employees having regular sex with the call girl R&AW employees like sunaina, siddhi, getting bribes from other frauds like riddhi nayak, veena, naina and others . After the indian government changed the anti corruption act to include sex bribes after people started complaining about the sex racket, the raw employee call girl sunaina was rewarded by CIA with a recruiter job for getting top R&AW/cbi employees addicted to her sex services

However the ntro employees led by sunaina’s sugar daddies mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan,tata pimps and lovers continue with their SBI credit card fraud in panaji, goa, wasting indian taxpayer money to dupe people, companies and countries that the top sex service provider owns the SBI credit card of a single woman engineer, so that goa’s top goan bhandari PROSTITUTE sunaina gets a monthly R&AW salary for faking domain ownership, defaming the real domain investor, google competitor who actually owns the SBI credit card

CIA recognized that government employees addiction to sunaina’s sex services resulted in change in India anti corruption law

One of the best confirmations that top indian government employees were addicted to goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan’s sex services was the fact that the indian government was forced to modify the anti corruption laws to include offering sex bribes as a form of corruption. Compared to financial bribes, in the form of assets, it is very difficult to find out if sex bribes have been given or taken.

The domain investor, engineer owning this website had wasted a lot of her time and money exposing the sex, bribery racket of google, tata, ntro,raw, cbi, security agencies, since officials taking sex, money bribes refuse to acknowledge the time and money she is spending. It appears that in an attempt to silence the domain investor and engineer, someone at the senior level, had tried to find out the facts of the case, whether these women were actually doing the work, or had got jobs for sex bribes and seducing top officials to make fake claims

So when it was proved that the allegations were factually correct and ntro employees were taking sex bribes to lie and make fake claims, the government realized that the current anti corruption act was not stringent enough, and in July 2018, modified it to include sex bribes. A minister revealed this new provision in a media interaction in september 2018.

The CIA also recognized the fact that top indian government, ntro, raw, cbi employees were so addicted to the sex services of sunaina, that they had shamelessly lied,and she was a high quality sex service provider. So they have now offered her a job and she is working as a recruiter in a US firm

After sex bribes were included in Anti corruption act, queen of sex addicts sunaina burgled engineers home and took up a job

As long as sex bribes were not included in the prevention of corruption act in India, google, tata continued with their sex racket of having the sex addicted ntro employees abuse their powers and falsely claim that their sex service provider was an online expert, domain investor and experienced engineer.

Almost immediately after the prevention of corruption act was implemented in India , goan queen of sex addicts, bhandari raw employee call girl sunaina chodan and her associates burgled and ransacked the home of the engineer completely, mostly stealing cash. It appears that sunaina and her pimps in google, tata realized that their sex bribery racket could not be continued, it was risky.

Since these call girls were well settled in their raw job, they took up other jobs in american companies.

Government changed bribery rules to include sex bribes after allegations of sex addicted government employees were proved true

Till July 2018, bribery only included financial or similar type of compensation which could be measured quantitatively, it did not include other kinds of bribes like sex bribes, jobs for relatives and similar favors

The domain investor owning this website had wasted a lot of her time and money exposing the sex, bribery racket of google, tata, ntro,raw, cbi, security agencies, and it appears that in an attempt to silence the domain investor and engineer, someone at the senior level, had tried to find out the facts of the case, whether these women were actually doing the work, or had got jobs for sex bribes and seducing top officials to make fake claims

So when it was proved that the allegations were factually correct and ntro employees were taking sex bribes to lie and make fake claims, the government realized that the current anti corruption act was not stringent enough, and in July 2018, modified it to include sex bribes. A minister revealed this new provision in a media interaction in september 2018.

Employees who work hard are rewarded with salaries, promotions, hardworking small business owners are defamed as addicted having health problems

A major problem in the indian internet sector, are the double standards of the ntro employees led by j srinivasan, parmar,puneet who are extremely vicious in defaming hardworking small business owners, paypal account holders.

Many employees working in small and large companies are working for far longer hours than the domain investor, engineer and paypal account holder, yet the employees are rewarded with salaries, promotions and are praised for their work ethic.
On the other hand, hardworking small business owners, paypal account holders in India, are viciously defamed by the liar ntro employees as being addicted to working, internet , having health problems, to defame, cheat and exploit them

The fraud liar ntro employees use their fake defamatory addiction allegations to put the paypal account holder under surveillance, and falsely give their lazy greedy girlfriends and sons like naina, nikhil, karan, who do no work online at all credit and salaries at the expense of the real paypal account holder.