Goan government continues to make FAKE CLAIMS about panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chandan

gujju sex queen

The indian and goan government does not have the humanity and honesty to admit that cbi is paying a monthly salary to the panaji kolhapur born school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh only for the SEX SERVICES naina offers to top ntro employees like nikhil sha, parekh and parmar,
Instead the goa government was initially falsely claiming that the gujju sex queen who never invested any money in domains, was a domain investor while criminally defaming the real domain investor in the worst possible manner
Later when the financial fraud of the goa government was exposed, the goa government is now falsely claiming that panaji kolhapur born school dropout housewife naina chandan , eighth standard pass is an experienced engineer, when no engineering college would admit the gujju sex queen,eighth standard pass, and no engineering company would hire the cbi sex queen employee naina chandan

The goa government is extremely vicious in criminally defaming the domain investor who is also an experienced engineer, and DUPING companies, countries and people with its lies, Hence a photo of the look alike of india’s top sex service provider cbi employee naina chandan is provided so that people are not duped by the SHAMELESS LIAR top gujju officials making fake claims about the top gujju sex queen

R&AW/cbi involved in massive SEX racket, falsely claiming that SEX service providers, who do not pay for domains are domain investors to pay them monthly salaries

In a massive SEX racket masterminded by the sundar pichai led google, tata, R&AW/cbi involved in massive SEX racket, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored SEX service providers sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, naina chandan, who do not pay for domains, do not control them, have no online income, are domain investors to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real domain investor who is criminally defamed, humiliated in the worst possible manner despite spending more than Rs 4 lakh annually on domain renewals for more than 13 years.
Additionally the correspondence of the real domain investor is also diverted and ROBBED by the sex service providers and other robber housewife raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro who HATE her without a legally valid reason, denying the domain investor her fundamental rights.
Hence the domain investor is forced to develop and promote the website, hoping to alert people, companies and countries about the big raw sex racket only to stop the defamation, correspondence theft of a harmless private citizen

The Last Tour Date Became a Fiasco

I suppose that is not so big of a surprise for me, but it was a little more out of control than usual. The tour has been going on for about thirty weeks and we have been all over this country and Canada. We even flew briefly to London to do some publicity. At any rate Las Vegas is the end and everyone is ready to blow off steam. Some of the guys had to get involved with some Las Vegas escorts and then one of them decided that he would take the services for free. Some way or another he got hold of a credit card that did not belong to him, apparently it belonged to some guy from the label. It was not enough. Read more

Top NTRO employee parmar involved in onions domain fraud to get raw/cbi jobs for his SEX partner naina chandan, her sons nikhil, karan

The domain investor has endured CRIMINAL DEFAMATION for 10 years, and can no longer tolerate it, especially since top ntro employee parmar involved in onions domain fraud, to get raw/cbi jobs for his SEX partner naina, her sons, karan, nikhil

To enjoy FREE LIFETIME SEX with the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, get her and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work, without investing any money at all, SEX ADDICT, LIAR fraud ntro employee parmar made 100% FALSE ALLEGATIONS regarding the onions domain, which is owned by the domain investor.,

The fraud LIAR parmar falsely claimed that the domain belonged to his LIAR FRAUD friend who was making FAKE onions domain allegation, when parmar and LIAR FRAUD friend, have never interacted with the domain investor any time in her life
The fact that ntro employee parmar is a LIAR can be legally proved, because he REFUSES to provide the domain investor with any details of the LIAR FRAUD friend who was making FAKE onions domain allegation, so that she can defend herself and prove that she never interacted with parmar’s LIAR FRAUD FRIEND

If parmar, and his LIAR FRAUD friend who was making FAKE onions domain allegation is telling the truth, why is parmar not revealing his friends name, address, and when he interacted with the domain investor for the last 10 years, why is he CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, when he cannot provide any kind of proof of interaction between his LIAR FRAUD friend and the domain investor

Intelligence and security agency employees worldwide are repeating the lies of SEX addict parmar making up fake stories regarding the onions.in domain, yet should ask him when his LIAR FRAUD friend making the FAKE ALLEGATIONS met or interacted with the domain investor, and why the domain investor is not provided with these details so that she can defend herself.

If ntro employee parmar cannot provide any proof after 10 years of criminally defamation, cheating and exploitation, the intelligence and security agency employees should realize that these are FAKE STORIES of a LIAR SEX ADDICT to defame the domain investor he HATES.

Why is no one asking powerful gujju SEX ADDICTS nikhil sha,parekh, parmar why their SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX QUEEN housewife cbi employee naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan are not showing any paypal income in their income tax returns

can gujju officials,community explain why their role model SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife cbi employee naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan are not showing any paypal income in their income tax returns

everyone is blindly listening and believing in the lies of the powerful gujju SEX ADDICT ntro employees defaming the domain investor , wasting their time watching the photoshopped defamatory videos

The powerful gujju officials parmar, parekh, nikhil sha who are india’s TOP SEX ADDICTS are falsely claiming that they are very patriotic, honest, when they put the domain investor under surveillance for the last 10 years.
Yet no one questions them on their massive financial fraud when they falsely claim that their role model SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX SERVICE PROVIDER housewife cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan, who are not doing any computer work, owned the house, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer who the naina and her family hate.
The income tax returns filed in 2019, of the role model SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife cbi employee naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan again show that the gujju fraudster family has no paypal income at all, they are not showing any bank account with paypal income, like the last few years\
Yet the shameless section 420 fraud LIAR gujju officials and community is falsely claiming that role model SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife cbi employee naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan, who are not doing any computer work, own the bank, paypal account of a single woman engineer, when they cannot show any documents, and cannot even use the account

Though the banking, paypal, real estate fraud of the gujju fraudster family has continued for the last 7 years, and can be legally proved using income tax returns, the gujju fraudster family is considered high status in goan and gujju society, no one is questioning them or asking them for any proof of their bank account ownership, everyone blindly believes their lies , and the government wastes tax payer money , paying three members of the fraud family monthly government salaries for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS

why is no one questioning gujju SEX ADDICTS regarding their FAKE BLACK MONEY ALLEGATIONS regarding single woman engineer

The indian and state government especially goan government policy of committing BANKING, SKILLS FRAUD on harmless hardworking business owners, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING THEM, ROBBING their correspondence without a legally valid reason is the real cause of the economic recession
Before 2010, the indian government had the decency and humanity to acknowledge the real business owner, who had taken the risk of starting the business and is receiving payment from customers, paying all the business expenses
However after 2010, allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi have made the indian internet sector a paradise for CALL GIRLS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS, SCHOOL DROPOUT gujju housewives naina chandan and their lazy fraud sons karan,nikhil, LIARS, FRAUDS getting them all raw/cbi jobs falsely claiming that these frauds who have never invested any money online, are domain investors, online experts, owning the paypal, bank account of a private citizen
To cover up their SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING FRAUD for 10 years, ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata, security agencies are extremely vicious in criminally DEFAMING the real business owner making fake allegations without any legally valid proof
For example the goan and indian government, CBI are falsely claiming that the kolhapur born SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like sneha wagh, illegally married at 16 is an experienced engineer because FRAUD ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha ADDICTED to SEX with naina chandan are falsely claiming that the gujju sex queen naina chandan, a school dropout is an experienced engineer though no engineering college would admit the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee
to cover up their SEX addiction, the powerful fraud ntro employees like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the harmless hardworking engineer, whose identity they ROBBED to get their sex queen naina chandan a monthly cbi salary for having SEX with them
For example these gujju fraudsters are falsely accusing the engineer of having black money without any legally valid proof, the gujju SEX ADDICTS are unable to get enough proof to even send an income tax notice
When gujju SEX ADDICTS parekh, nikhil sha, parmar cannot provide any evidence of black money,why are FALSELY GIVING their SEX SERVICE PROVIDER naina chandan, and her lazy liar fraud unskilled sons karan, nikhil, who are not doing any work, credit for the work done by the engineer

After 10 years, gujju SEX ADDICTS parekh, nikhil sha, parmar cannot provide any evidence of black money, yet their SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX SERVICE PROVIDER naina chandan, her lazy liar fraud sons, nikhil, karan get monthly government salaries for BANKING FRAUD

Gujju SEX ADDICT NTRO employees making fake claims about karan, nikhil, sons of their sex service provider naina are liars, LACKING CREDIBILITY, SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED

One of the greatest frauds of ntro employees led by parmar, parekh, nikhil sha, is how they are criminally defaming a harmless hardworking single woman engineer, telling people that she should not be trusted when actually these Gujju SEX ADDICT NTRO employees are pathological LIARS, making fake claims about karan, nikhil, sons of their SCHOOL DROPOUT sex service provider cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh

These liar ntro employees are aware of the fact that the lazy liar greedy young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil and their sex queen naina chandan, are not doing any computer work, do not receive payment from customers outside india, yet they fraud ntro employees are abusing their powers to make fake claims about their sex service provider and her sons, to, dupe people, companies and countries, criminally defaming a hardworking single woman engineer who they hate

The ntro employees, karan, nikhil, cannot provide any legally valid proof that they have a paypal, iwriter account and the associated bank account, yet for more than 6 years, these ntro employees have made fake claims to get naina and her lazy greedy sons a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real writer who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED and broke. hence people should be aware that the powerful gujju ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil sha are LIARS, LACKING CREDIBILITY, SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED

Something Good for the Side Sleepers

I’m the only one in my family that sleeps on my side. Everyone else either sleeps on their back or their stomach. I never really cared for the beds that I had when growing up because they were made more for people who sleep on their back. I found a bed at Sleep Matters that was suited for my specific sleeping style, it was a massive improvement over the beds I’ve used before. For one thing, I have an easier time actually getting to sleep on the bed, and once I’m asleep, I can stay that way for a full 8 hours.

Since I’ve been getting more sleep in the bed, I’ve been feeling more energetic throughout the day. Read more

A Lifelong Dream Finally Realized

Ever since I was a little boy, I always dreamed of becoming a CEO or titan of industry. I was very ambitious. The sky was the limit. When people would disregard my dreams, I would ignore their remarks. I knew that I was capable of great things in life. There were not many people in my inner circle that were competitive like me. One day, I met my future fiancee Kayli. She was live a female version of me. She was so ambitious. When decided to get coffee machines recommended by Cuppabean and we decided to start our own coffee shop. It was a dream come true.

I met Kayli when I was in college. We both were business majors. Despite having the same major, I did not have a class with her until my junior year of college. When I first saw her I was blown away by her. She sat right next to me, I was speechless. What really attracted me to Kayli were her intelligence and ambition. We were both very competitive. Read more

A Hidden Magician in the Store

I own a candy store and wanted to do something that would draw in more customers. I thought about all kinds of special promotions and discounts, but I wanted something that would leave a more lasting impression in the minds of my customers. I hired a magician from nebmagic .com to act as an employee at my store for a couple of hours. While there, he would stand behind the counter and perform his magic act to customers, without revealing that he was a magician. I needed him to do a trick that revolved around making a normal orange into a chocolate orange.

The idea was to have the magician take a seemingly regular looking orange and break it open to reveal that the inside was nothing but chocolate, which would be a promotion for the chocolate oranges that were sold at the store. The magician would then show how the oranges were made by injecting chocolate into an orange with a syringe and opening it. Read more